日本財団 図書館


Article 184. Between aircraft approaching an aerodrome for landing, the aircraft at the lower altitude has the right-of-way. However, no aircraft shall deliberate place itself in front of any other aircraft in the final approach path, or overtake said aircraft.


Article 185. In the case of an aircraft intending to overtake another aircraft flying ahead (including overtaking by means of climbing descent), the former shall pass the latter on the former's right side.


Article 186. An aircraft having the right-of-way shall maintain its course and Speed


(Maintenance of Interval)
Article 187. Any aircraft shall, in the case of flying in close proximity to another aircraft, maintain the appropriate interval to preclude the possibility of collision.


(Movement on the Ground)
Article 188. Any aircraft shall, when moving on the ground at an aerodrome, move in accordance with the standards prescribed in the following subparagraphs:
(1) To exercise full observation ahead;
(2) To maintain a speed at which it is capable of coming to an immediate and safe halt by means of controlling the propulsion components or of engaging the braking systems lightly;
(3) To position a ground guidance person in the case of any existing danger of the aircraft colliding with another aircraft or object.


(Methods of Navigation in the Vicinity of Aerodromes)
Article 189. Any aircraft shall, when at or in the vicinity of an aerodrome, navigate in accordance with the standards prescribed in the following subparagraphs. However, the same shall not apply in the case of instructions issued by the Minister of Transport in accordance with the provisions of Article 96 paragraph 1 of the Law which are different from the standards prescribed in the subparagraph 1 and sub paragraphs 4 to 7 inclusive, nor in the case of aircraft used by the Self Defence Force navigating at or in the vicinity of an aerodrome established by the Self Defence Force and so designated by the Minister of Transport, where there are special circumstances, which make it difficult to observe these standards in order to cam out the task provided that there is no possibility of danger to other aircraft than those of the Self Defence Force:
(1) To observe the approach procedures for instrument flight, and other flight procedures established at said aerodrome;
(2) Not to take off, when the weather conditions are below the minimum weather conditions for take-off, in the case of an aircraft intending to take off under





